what is share market and how to buy and sell stocks

The share market, also known as the stock market, is a complex but integral component of the global financial system. It plays a pivotal role in the economy, allowing companies to raise capital and individuals to invest their money. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the share market, explaining its fundamental concepts and how it functions.

The share market is a marketplace where individuals and institutional investors buy and sell ownership stakes in publicly traded companies. These ownership stakes, known as shares or stocks, represent a claim on the company's assets and earnings.

When you own shares of a company, you become a shareholder, which entitles you to a portion of the company's profits and, in some cases, a say in the company's decision-making process.

1. Investors

These are individuals, institutions, and even governments that buy and sell shares in the market. Investors may have different goals, including capital appreciation, income through dividends, or portfolio diversification.

Investors play a vital role in funding businesses, supporting innovation, and driving economic growth. Their investment decisions can influence the success or failure of companies and contribute to the overall health of financial markets.

2. Listed Companies

Listed companies, also known as publicly traded companies, are those whose shares are available for trading on a public stock exchange. When a company decides to go public, it conducts an initial public offering (IPO) to issue shares to the public.

Investors, including individual and institutional investors, can then buy and sell these shares on the stock exchange.

3. Stock Exchanges

A stock exchange is a regulated marketplace where financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, commodities, and other securities are bought and sold. The primary purpose of a stock exchange is to provide a platform for companies to raise capital by issuing shares to the public and for investors to buy and sell these securities.

Examples of well-known stock exchanges where companies are listed include the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ, London Stock Exchange (LSE), Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), and many others around the world.

4. Regulators

Regulators play a crucial role in overseeing and enforcing rules and regulations to ensure the fair and efficient functioning of financial markets. These regulatory bodies work to protect investors, maintain market integrity, and promote transparency.

In the United States, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a prominent regulator.


It represents ownership in a company. When you own shares of a company, you become a shareholder and have certain rights, such as the right to vote on certain matters and the potential to receive a portion of the company's profits.

2. Stock Price

The price at which a share is bought or sold in the market Stock prices can fluctuate throughout the trading day.

3. Market capitalization

This is the total value of a company's outstanding shares. It is calculated by multiplying the stock price by the number of shares.

4. Dividends

Some companies distribute a portion of their profits to shareholders in the form of dividends. These are typically paid quarterly.

5. Stock Index

An index, like the S&P 500 or Dow Jones Industrial Average, is a collection of stocks that represent the market's performance. They are used to gauge market trends and investor sentiment.

Stock indices serve various purposes, including providing a benchmark for the overall performance of a specific market or sector and serving as a basis for investment products like index funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

    1. IPO (Initial Public Offering)

    When a company decides to go public, it issues shares for the first time through an IPO. Investors can purchase these shares, becoming part owners of the company.

    2. Secondary Market

    After the IPO, shares can be bought and sold on the secondary market, where individual and institutional investors trade among themselves. This is what most people think of as the "stock market."

    3. Trading

    Shares are bought and sold on stock exchanges through brokers. Buyers place bids, specifying the price they are willing to pay, while sellers set an asking price. When these prices match, a trade occurs.

    4. Stock Price Fluctuations

    Stock prices can fluctuate due to various factors, including company performance, economic conditions, market sentiment, and news events. This volatility is what makes the stock market dynamic and often rewarding for investors.


    The share market is a vital component of the global financial system, enabling companies to raise capital and investors to grow their wealth. While it can be complex and subject to market fluctuations, understanding its fundamental concepts is crucial for anyone looking to invest or simply grasp its role in the economy.

    With the right knowledge and guidance, the share market can be a valuable tool for building wealth and securing financial futures.

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